We imagine what it will feel like to be a certain age. Then, we are that age, and it feels nothing like we thought it would. Join me as I mark another trip around the sun and share some observations and learnings about life, love, and birthdays.

When in doubt, leave it out.
Prioritize experiences vs things.
There is freedom in not knowing.
Today, you are you. That is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you. -Dr. Seuss
If something feels like too much, it probably is.
If you’re not sure what to do and there is no external pressure to make a decision or real consequence, if you don’t, wait.
If you ever have to sacrifice your integrity, get out.
Learn how to speak in public. It will serve you in many different situations.
Eat what you like the most first.
Use your good things. What are you saving them for?
Any idiot can spend money.
Never press send on an angry email or text. Sleep on it. Ask yourself what your part is and address that. You may or may not have anything to send; if you do, have a conversation.
Eat when you’re hungry. Stop when you’re satiated (not full or stuffed). There’s always another meal coming.
Sometimes, moderation is not possible, and abstinence is the right choice.
Focus on what’s for you, and let the rest be.
You’re allowed not to care about that.
What other people think of you is none of your business.
Intense emotions last about 90 seconds when allowed. It’s not worth it to stuff, avoid, or deflect only to have them come roaring back.
Make friends with your body.
Do what you want, not what others want.
Only you know what is right for you. You might benefit from someone asking you the right questions and mirroring for you, but you’re the boss.
Waiting and hoping is not an effective change strategy. If you’re unhappy, the solution will be to do something different, not in commiserating with your conditioned thoughts.
There is nothing wrong with you.
There’s nothing wrong with anyone else, either. They may not be for you. Leave them be. And if you can’t, become an observer. Don’t engage. Just find them interesting.
Be honest. That way, you never have to remember what you said.
You can see the truth of something or someone (according to you), but you don’t necessarily need to speak that truth.
Is it true, kind, or helpful? If there is even one 'no,' don't do or say that thing.
Self-hate is not you. It is a conditioned voice. It can be silenced with practice.
Who you were as a child is still who you are today. Dig down deep, find yourself, and offer a helpful hand.
If you wouldn’t say it to someone you love, don’t say it to yourself.
Your appearance is the least exciting thing about you.
When getting tattooed, fill the space and think about the future. And yes, it hurts.
If you need help and someone offers it...accept it! It will lift both of you.
Death comes for us all. If this was your last day, would you be okay with how you experienced it?
Apply The Three Ps to any upsetting situation. It is doubtful that it is Personal, Pervasive, or Permanent.
Is it use it or lose it? Use it!
Always take care of your teeth.
Stash an emergency $50, forget it’s there, and only use it in an emergency. And then replace it!
Avoid Heathrow
Pack light
Don’t accumulate unnecessary possessions. Do you own them, or do they own you?
Hedonic immunity will always tarnish the shiny things. Find your happiness inside.
You are where you put your attention.
The spending/earning equation can be applied to almost anything. Earning is the goal. At least break even. If not, adjust.
Spend time with the people you love. Appreciate them. Don’t judge them. They (and you) won’t be here forever.
If it’s important to you, then it’s important. But is it really?
You get what you settle for.
Keep your eyes on your own plate and keep your side of the street clean.
Live in the present moment. It’s the only time and place where life is actually happening.
Watch your favorite things as many times as you wish. Art has no maximum viewing threshold.
Please create if you are called to. Don’t worry about whether anyone sees, likes, or buys it. Just make it. You’ll feel better.
You are in charge of your stress. And you don’t have to be stressed. Regardless of your circumstances, you can choose every aspect of how you engage with your internal and external life.
You are 100% responsible for your life.
