Leaving Rio de Janeiro felt like being ripped away from something I loved. As the rain pelted down, our driver played We Are the World in the taxi on the way to the airport, and I wept. It changed me forever and began a love of travel, many adventures to come, and the inception of a dream. On this show, I share my experiences, what I learned about myself, and what led me to realize my dream and live part of my life abroad.

What is your dream? I carried the dream of living abroad for well over a decade. I visited a new country each year, always wondering if it might be my place. I thought it would be my retirement life. I felt I had to have all the money, check all the boxes, figure everything out, and not sacrifice anything I'd worked for to live this vastly different life. In 2022 I spent a month in Malta. It turned out the time was now. I don't have all the money. I haven't figured everything out. All the boxes are not checked. I have sacrificed. And my dream is now my reality.
In the third installment of our travel series, I tell the story of my arrival on the beautiful Maltese island of Gozo and my first few days of life here in a brand new place.
