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GTO, Coaching for Humans, Kirsten Johansen, Coach Change Life Health Happiness, Career Leadership Executive Business Coaching, Learn Business English Online EU, Learn English to Improve Career, English Language Coaching for Executives ESL Coach for Executive Leaders, Speak American English for Business
GTO, Coaching for Humans, Kirsten Johansen, Coach Change Life Health Happiness, Career Leadership Executive Business Coaching, Learn Business English Online EU, Learn English to Improve Career, English Language Coaching for Executives ESL Coach for Executive Leaders, Speak American English for Business

Breaking Through: Overcome Change Roadblocks and Achieve Your Goals

Kirsten Johansen

You really want to stop, start, or change something. Why is it so hard to begin? And when we do begin. What keeps us from sticking with something that, while difficult, seems to be working for us? We decide if we create the perfect structure, schedule, discipline, and environment, we will finally shape the right circumstances for our new practice.

But what if the answer is on the inside? And what if we could understand our internal roadblocks, see them on the horizon, and breeze through them?

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